At intervals she would stop for a rest . 她不时停下来休息。
At intervals miss simon would make a tour of inspection . 休息的时候,西蒙小姐就来回视察。
Precipitates are usually collected by centrifugation at intervals . 常常是用离心法分段收集沉淀的。
Melanie was silent too, but at intervals her quiet face was wrenched with pain . 媚兰也默默无声,不过她那平静的面容不时要因阵痛而扭曲。
Disfiguring subcutaneous lesions bulge onto the surface and at intervals discharge pus . 皮下损害的形象是向表面凸起,并间断地分泌出脓液。
A map with contours spaced at interval of half wavelength of the viewing light is discernable . 以可见光的波长的一半为间隔的轮廓线是可以辨认的。
As he crept along with his eyes on the ground, the man gave utterance at intervals to uncouth, inarticulate sounds . 他两眼盯着地面一步步移动着,不时发出粗里粗气的哼声。
It was some minutes before she could go on with her letter; the frequent bursts of grief obliged her at intervals to withhold her pen . 过了一阵以后她才能继续写信。悲痛的袭击使她不能不时时住笔。
Indeed , it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds . 的确,很可能是那些工作即消遣的人们最需要这种方法,以便使大脑每隔一段时间从工作念头中解脱出来。